
Sulafa Hefzi

Last Activity
  • Client (Business Owner)
Marketing Consultant / Freelancer
""Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity"
Visual communication, verbal communication and written communication falls under my responsibilities to deliver clear messages and maintain strong brands. I believe in local brands that stand for clear visions and values, and aim to be part of their growth and prosperity with my humble knowledge and expertise, because my fuel is new challenges and opportunities."
Branding, Clarity, Horses         
Personal Data
Residence Country
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
عربي إنجليزي
Latest Projects
تعديل على بروشور في برنامج انديزاين
السلام عليكم وفاء اشتغلنا من قبل على بروشور. احتاج اضيف...
Translation from English - Arabic (NO GOOGLE TRANSLATE PLEASE)
We have a product listing that has descriptions and inf...
اضافة ترجمة على ٢ فيديو
لدينا الفيديو و لدينا الترجمة و نحتاج اضافة الترجمة للف...
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