Specify your project
Hire per Project
Suitable for achieving a project of short duration and a specific goal in a short period of time.
Hire per Month
Suitable for achieving a project of long duration and a large goal over a long period of time.
Packages & Offers
Freelancer packages are a group of services in one place, saving time and effort.
Project title and description
To hire privately

Ahmed Sarkhi
Ahmed Sarkhi خدمات مشتركة، موارد بشرية، علاقات حكومية، Human Resource, HR, Admirative, Government Relation,
Write a title that accurately describes your project (minimum 10 characters).
  • إعداد خطة تسويقية متكاملة لمنتجاتي
  • تصميم موقع ويب شخصي بواجهة مستخدم عصرية
  • إدارة حسابات التواصل الاجتماعي وزيادة التفاعل
Write a description detailing the work required to be performed by the freelancer (minimum of 40 characters).
Work Field and Skills
Budget and Duration