Post Project

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STEP (1)





  • Main Information
  • Project Details
  • Budget and Timescale
  • Preview
Budget and Duration
You can post up to 5 open projects
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  5. 4
  6. 5
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To hire privately
وجدان القثاميمدخلة بيانات - كاتبة محتوى

Main Information


Choose the work field under which the type of work implement in the project falls
Determine the skills that the freelancer must master to work on the project

Project Details


Project Title
Write a short title and a brief description that explains the tasks required for your project. It helps you to get strong and distinctive bids that fit your project, because it motivates the freelancers to read your project details (Minimum 10 Charachters).
Project Description
Please enter an accurate description of the project describing the tasks required of the freelancer to carry out your project, be clear and accurate description and use illustrative examples if possible, explaining specifically what is required of the freelancer to deliver it to you upon completion of the work (Minimum 40 Charachters).
Project Attachments
In order to clarify your requirements in the project more effectively, you may need to attach files for project references, project studies, or examples of requirements that you want to be located in your project after implementing the project (3 files limit).

Budget and Timescale


Determine an approximate budget for the amount that the freelancer will receive when executing the project.
When do you need your project to be completed? Specify the maximum period of time required to implement this project in days.
Last date for receiving bids
When is the last date available to receive bids on your project? Set the last date for freelancers to submit their bids on the project
Work Field
Budget (SAR)
Duration (Days)
Required Skills
Passioneurs Upgrades
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to communicate and follow up on your project easily and securely
Download the Passioneurs app to easily connect with freelancers.

Create your project in Passioneurs

  • Add a project on the platform and request a service to accomplish your tasks in more than 100 fields, including: graphic design, digital marketing, design and programming of websites and mobile applications, content writing and more.
  • Enter the project details, implementation period and the expected budget for its implementation. The project is added for free on the platform. Here is a blog that explains how to add a project. Freelance work and hiring a freelancer, to get special bids.
  • After adding the project, the stage of sending invitations to the freelancer to work on your project begins from the project page.
  • You will receive bids from freelancers or "freelancers" registered on the platform, the bid includes a summary of their expertise, services provided to you, the bid price, and the expected execution period.
  • You start by writing to them to negotiate and discuss your project, so you can be sure of their experience and ability to implement your project.
  • Choose the appropriate bid for you by pressing the Accept bid button corresponding to the Freelancer bid, so that it can start implementing your project.
How to add a new project?