بدور الكثيري

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SGB is an Android mobile application that makes it easier and more confident for blind people to navigate their environment using their phone's camera features and voice assistant and vibration features that exist on the phone. The application is in the simplest design in order to be compatible with the blind people. It is a real-time object detection app which is a branch of artificial intelligence, Once the app is running a welcome interface will show to the user to clarify the instruction to the user. Then the app will directly open the camera to start the process of object detection while user navigate the environment, the app will alert the user about the objects type. The user will get the benefits of the service provided by the app, which will help them navigate around their environment easily and conveniently. which will reduce the possibility of a blind person colliding with an object when moving. Additionally, our app is totally free for blind people of all ages. We consider that not everyone can afford other devices that help them, so all they need is an Android smartphone to access the features our app provides. So, our app helps the community by making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.
PHP Git HTML هندسة برمجيات تحليل نظم وهندسة برمجيات UX/UI النموذج الأولي لواجهة / تجربة المستخدم React Type Script

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